big love | seattle documentary family photography

I spent the late afternoon and early evening photographing the Moon family at their beautiful home in Madrona on one of the last lingering days of summer. For someone with 2 kids, the idea of 3 seems completely overwhelming to me, but Anne makes it look effortless. She is the kind of mom the rest of us aspire to be. Her three kids are incredibly sweet, and Anne always keeps her calm even in the chaos that naturally unfolds when you have 3 children under the age of seven. I am constantly amazed and in awe of all she does as a mom, wife and friend. When I arrived, little Lou was running around following her big brother and sister, Auggie wanted to check out my camera, and Charlie was twirling and running and jumping as Charlie does. I loved seeing how Charlie and Auggie took such care of their baby sister and how baby Lou looked up to both of them with those big eyes and the most squeezable cheeks you've ever seen. Mostly I love seeing families in love. Anne and Justin recently celebrated their 10 year wedding anniversary and the love just exudes from all of them. There was dancing, lots of laughing, a game of tag, whispers and giggles between siblings, rope swinging, tickling, daddy pig piling, make believe, and a family walk to take in the view of Mt. Rainier at the end of the street. It was a really, really good evening.